Women’s History Month

Alexander fun activities, Reading, Red Cat Reading

Women’s history month is celebrated annually during the month of March, and its purpose is to highlight the positive roles women have played in the world – be it in politics, art, sport, science, or other fields. Many inspirational women have played a part and had key roles in changing our modern day society and thinking. Women’s History Month was …

President’s Day in the United States

Alexander fun activities, Reading, Red Cat Reading

Some say the President of the United States of America is one of the most powerful people in the world. To honor and commemorate the lives and contributions of the 44 U.S. presidents every year, President’s Day is an annual celebration in the US that falls on the third Monday of February. It is also a national holiday. This year, …

How To Enjoy Valentine’s Day With Your Kids

Alexander fun activities, Red Cat Reading

Different people celebrate Valentine’s Day in different ways, often with romantic partners, or with spouses, but what can one do on Valentine’s Day for kids? It has not been traditional for children to be involved in Valentine’s Day celebrations, but these days the customs for Valentine’s Day are changing and many parents struggle to find activities to do with their …

3 Critical Benefits of Reading in Helping Students Learn and Master STEM Subjects

Alexander Reading, Red Cat Reading

Why is the STEM Curriculum So Important to Your Child’s Future Success? If you have a child on the verge of starting kindergarten, then you’ve probably been coming across a lot of information about STEM in your research.  So what is the STEM curriculum and why do you need to worry about it?  STEM is an acronym that stands for: …

National Game and Puzzle Week

Alexander fun activities

When television, cell phones, and video games seem to be taking over the family environment, you might be looking for some new ways to spend time together that doesn’t involve sitting in front of a screen.  If that’s the case, dust off your old games and puzzles and get ready to celebrate an incredibly fun week that is perfect for …

Red Cat Reading National Author's Day Kids Read Books JK Rowling Harry Potter

National Author’s Day

Red Cat Reading Team Reading

Looking for a day to celebrate all of the wonderful authors and the works that they provide to the world? November 1st is the day for you. November 1st has been recognized as National Author’s Day since 1949. However, the story of how the holiday came to be goes as far back as 1928 to a woman named Nellie Verne …

red cat reading talk like a pirate day

September 19th: International Talk Like a Pirate Day

Red Cat Reading Team fun activities, Reading

For many children, anything pirate themed is a surefire way to get their attention! International Pirate Day, which is held each year on September 19th, is the perfect way to let your child’s creativity, imagination, and love of pirate life run wild! International Talk Like A Pirate Day was first celebrated in 1995, and has been a world sensation ever …

Red Cat Reading back to school activities at home kids learn to read

10 Fun Back to School Activities: A guide for teachers

Red Cat Reading Team Reading

Teachers, are you tired of repeating the same old icebreakers in the first week of school? Here are some more interesting ideas for your elementary students this year: About Me Create a worksheet with blank spaces for the students to fill out, including a square in the upper left for the student’s illustration of themselves. Some information could include: Name, …

Red Cat Reading fun autumn activities

Fun and Active Autumn Activities by Red Cat Reading

Red Cat Reading Team Reading

Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn The autumn season is most certainly one of my favorite times of the year. There are so many things that I love about the fall season and some of my favorite autumn words are hoodies, pumpkins, and s’mores. From the refreshing fall weather, to fun with pumpkins, to the colorful autumn leaves, all of these autumn …

Red Cat Reading back to school motivation all year long

Back to School: How to Keep Your Child Motivated All Year Long

Red Cat Reading Team Reading

It’s that exciting and overwhelming time of year again – a new, fresh school year. Your child might be starting kindergarten or elementary school for the first time, or going into 2nd grade or higher. You’re busy running around ticking things off the Back-to-School checklist: School supplies Backpack School reading books Uniform School Bus Sign-Up Healthy Food But what about …

red cat reading top 9 books about animals for kids

Top 9 Animal Books by Red Cat Reading!

Red Cat Reading Team Reading, Red Cat Reading

Are your young kids obsessed with animals?! At Red Cat Reading we know all about that! Kids can learn so much about science and different countries around the world when they’re reading about animals. What are your child’s favourite animals? Let us know in the comments below…   1. Pets This simple level 1 book is the best place to start …

Red Cat Reading blog Back to School

Back to School with Red Cat Reading

Red Cat Reading Team Reading

Heading back to school can be bittersweet! Going back to school and learning with friends is always a fun and exciting time for children of all ages. However, leaving home and the carefree times of summer vacation can prove difficult, especially for kids! Getting out of bed early, giving up the lazy days of sitting around and playing with friends, …

Red Cat Reading Celebrate national dog day dog illustration poodle pug sausage dog labrador scottie

Celebrate National Dog Day!

Red Cat Reading Team Reading

You may hear about National Dog Day and find yourself wondering “what is National Dog Day?” This day came about in 2004 when animal expert, Colleen Paige, wanted to bring attention to the mistreatment of animals. She also wanted to drum up support for the adoption of dogs. Colleen knows that millions of dogs are killed each year because they do …

Red Cat Reading Top 6 Disney Classics – Reading for Kids

Top 6 Disney Classics!

Red Cat Reading Team Reading

We take a look at our Top 6 Disney Classics, and what makes them so memorable for kids and adults! Kids all around the world enjoy Disney Tales because of their classic themes, diversity and beautiful illustration and animation. Let us know about your favorite Disney stories in the comments! Our Top 6 Disney Classics The Lion King The Lion King is a …

Red Cat Reading Talking World Kids Learn Languages Fast

Free iBooks: Introduce Your Children to 34 Languages!

Red Cat Reading Team Reading

Hello everyone, Are you interested in having your child learn a foreign language? Great idea! Language experts suggest that children who learn a foreign language in early childhood show certain cognitive advantages over children who do not. But not only that, learning a new language is FUN! With our Talking World iBooks, your children will have a blast while learning the foreign language of …

Red Cat Reading Friendship Day Header

Celebrate National Friendship Day

Red Cat Reading Team Reading

When is Friendship Day, you ask? Well, we will celebrate Friendship Day on July 30. Friendship Day, also known as Friends Day or National Friends Day, began back in 1935 shortly after the end of World War I. Congress noticed the tension and grief that the war had left behind and they felt it was necessary to honor and promote …

Red Cat Reading innovation in education

The Evolution of Education is Inevitable

Red Cat Reading Team Reading

Why We Think Education Needs a Major Shakeup It’s often said that if a person alive 200 years ago woke up in today’s world, they would probably only recognize one thing: The classroom. It is quite true that in many ways, the typical school classroom is one of the only things that hasn’t really changed in our fast-moving, modern world. …