Do you worry that your children aren’t aware of others? Or are unaware of their impact on the world or environment? Do you wish there were a way to help them feel confident and important? Volunteering just may be the answer! Volunteer work can be an amazing tool to help with these issues. Spending time helping your community is an …
How to Raise Environmentally Conscious Kids
Do you know what your carbon footprint is? Most of us don’t, but it’s safe to say that we all play a part in keeping the earth in good working order. But in this day and age, how can we be sure that we can pass on a good environment to the future generation? Well, it takes a little effort …
How to Teach Poetry to Kids
There are fun and endless ways to create your own silly kids poems together, whether they rhyme or not. Be as silly as you can. It has been shown that young children who are learning to read tend to remember words and sentences better if they appeal to them! So grab some pencils, some paper, and spend some time creating …
Keeping Your Kids Hydrated This Summer
Summer brings lots of fun, but also some serious heat! Some areas of the U.S. can be so hot, it can actually pose some danger to kids at times. Kids can easily become dehydrated, leading to possible heat stroke or sudden illness. This summer, we want to be sure that your family stays safe and healthy, so we’ve come up …
Best Children’s Book Authors!
We take a look at our Top 6 Kids Authors, and what makes them so great for kids and adults alike! We chose authors who we adored as kids and whose stories have a timeless appeal. These books make great gifts for kids of any age and can also be enjoyed by parents reading stories at bedtime! Roald Dahl Roald …
The Best First Instruments for Kids
Parents may want their children to learn how to play an instrument for a number of reasons! In fact, there are numerous benefits to be had from learning an instrument, especially early on as a child. There’s just one problem, how do you know which instrument is right for your child? There are a few different factors involved that can …
Why Kids Need to Learn Phonics
Learning to read is essential for children. Reading and understanding the written word plays a huge part in our everyday lives. Whether children learn to read for work, school, or pleasure, reading is necessary for all children to have developmental success. While there are various ways to teach reading, teaching children phonic sounds is a great place to start. In …
Teaching Art to Kids
For some people, creating art comes naturally, while for others it may seem like an impossible task to make anything remotely artistic. But we have news for you, anyone can make beautiful art, even kids, no matter your experience level! Most kids out there enjoy art and can have a really good time expressing themselves by getting creative and maybe …
Summer Crafts for Kids
Arts and crafts are loads of fun all year round, but did you know that there are some crafts that are even more fun to make in the summer? The materials available may be different than usual and hopefully the weather is warm enough to do some crafts outside! Let’s be honest, messy crafts might be more stress free when …
Camping with Your Kids!
Camping is one of the best summer activities you can enjoy as a family! The weather is perfect for going outside, the kids are out of school for summer break, and there’s tons of nature to enjoy! It’s easy to get cooped up inside these days and kids can quickly get preoccupied with tv, phones, and video games. If there …
Educational Summer Activities for Kids
School’s Out! The end of the school year brings about plenty of excitement. For many, the summer officially begins at the very last day of school, which typically occurs in June. Children are excited to have a few months where they can play and explore. Getting up early and sitting in a classroom won’t happen again until fall, and they …
Learn to Read BEFORE School
Why Learning to Read is So Important for School Readiness… According to a 2012 report by the Brookings Institution, “children with higher levels of school readiness at age five are generally more successful in grade school…” And the key to this readiness is helping your child learn to read before class even begins. Reading is the one skill that unlocks …
The Best and Worst Pets for Kids
Are your kids begging you for a pet, but you’re not sure if owning one’s a good idea? Cats and dogs are wonderful companions, but are also a big commitment. Luckily there are plenty of other much smaller pets that could be a lot better suited for your family that aren’t cats or dogs. Knowing what kind of pet to …
How to Garden With Your Kids
Many adults find gardening to be a very rewarding and fun activity to enjoy on a regular basis, as there are so many benefits to receive from gardening, both physically and mentally. But going outside and getting your hands dirty isn’t just for adults, kids can absolutely join in and have a blast too! What’s So Great About Gardening Anyways? …
6 Classic Fairytales You Should Know
Fairytales today have magical creatures, fantasy, adventure, and most often a happy ending. Well, the same can be said for some of the old classic versions of these stories, but they may be a bit different than the ones you’re familiar with. Many of the popular fairytales we know and love actually originate from much older and often quite different …
5 Books All Kids Should Read
As adults, we sometimes fondly look back at the books we read or our parents read to us as a child. Don’t you want to give this same wonderful experience to your own children? You might want to share some of your very own favorite books with your children, but you might also need a few ideas as well to …
How to Teach Phonics to First-Graders At Home
Children who are in first grade or going to first grade during the new school year tend to have already learned some phonics in kindergarten and preschool. For these children, the building blocks for phonics and basic reading skills might already be in place. When planning to teach phonics to first graders, remember it’s important to continue polishing and expanding …
5 Spring Crafts and Activities for Kids
Well everyone, spring has sprung! The weather has been getting warmer and the grass is starting to look a lot greener. This season, animals are starting to wake up and flowers are beginning to bloom. The beginning of spring brings the feeling of the start of something new as the world comes out of winter. There are so many wonderful …
10 Healthy Recipes for Kids
Many adults enjoy cooking and baking for themselves and their families, but how about kids? A lot of parents might have a little one with them in the kitchen while preparing meals, which can be fun, but also a little distracting. Lots of kids love to help and be involved in the kitchen, but as you know, cooking with kids …
Best Kids Shows on Netflix
There’s nothing like relaxing on the couch cozied up with a bowl of popcorn with your kids, watching their favorite show or movie. These days there are so many different things for kids to watch, it can be hard to know what the best choice for your child might be. There are many options out there, so how do you …
10 Ways to Ring in the New Year
Happy new year from all of us at Red Cat Reading! This past year was a bit rocky for many of us, but with the new year comes new opportunities. We’re here to help share our top 10 best ways to enjoy the start of the new year as we look back on the previous year. With our tips, we …
The Best DIY Holiday Gifts for Kids and Families
It’s the holiday season and everybody loves giving and receiving gifts, especially kids. But how can kids enjoy giving presents to friends and family without breaking their parents’ bank? The answer is simple, DIY! Making presents yourself is a great way to save money and really add a personal touch to your gifts this year. Kids can enjoy the …
Creative Writing for Kids
Creative writing is a fun and interesting way to express yourself with stories! Some kids have a very active imagination and can easily get writing, but others might need some inspiration to kick-start their story. Red Cat Reading is here to provide you with the best advice on how to get some ideas flowing! 1. Start Small Not all stories …
Fall Family Activities
When the weather gets cool and the leaves begin to change color, you’ll know that Fall is here! There are countless wonderful ways to enjoy this season and we here at Red Cat Reading are happy to help show you how! Both indoor and outdoor, you’ll never be bored this season. 1. Build a Scarecrow Scarecrows aren’t just for keeping …
How to Have Your Best Halloween at Home
Halloween is a special time of year when we can enjoy all things spooky, magical, and mysterious! This year, some of the most popular Halloween activities like trick or treating might have to wait, but there are many things we can do to celebrate! Halloween comes only once a year, so let’s celebrate safely, while still 1. Get Spooky To …
Online Teaching Tips for Teachers
In recent times, we’ve all had to make some pretty dramatic changes in our daily lives. Teachers have had no choice but to adapt the way they teach, and students have been introduced to a very new style of learning. The changes that have been made to how we teach and learn have been quite the challenge for many! Everything …
New Releases in May 2020
Each month, we here at Red Cat Reading bring you the best new resources for learning to read for FREE! Learning to read can get stale when you’re reading and watching the same educational videos and lessons over and over. Red Cat Reading brings new phonics videos, reading and writing lessons, and educational songs every week! This month, we’ve shared …
How to Teach Phonics For All Levels: Lesson Plan for Teachers
How can you create an inspiring and engaging lesson that your students will love? With the help of Red Cat Reading’s FREE lesson plans, of course! No need to stress about preparing endlessly for a lesson, collecting resources, or coming up with something creative on the spot! Red Cat Reading has all of the resources you need to teach phonics …
8 Most Difficult Phonics Sounds for Native English Speakers
Learning new phonic sounds can be a challenging and time-consuming process. It’s especially difficult when you come across some particularly tricky sounds. Some even look exactly the same! How can you help your child learn and master some of the most difficult phonic sounds? Check out this video that makes learning interactive, musical, and fun! 1. 8 Most Difficult Phonic …
Your Guide to Celebrating Easter With Your Children
Colorful eggs, rabbits, chicks, and candy! There are many fun and engaging activities to try with your child this Easter. Enjoy the best the holiday has to offer! 1. What is Easter? Traditionally, Easter is a religious holiday that annually celebrates the resurrection of Jesus, but in modern times it is also held to celebrate the joys of spring! Even …
10 Ways to Challenge Your Kids to Read More
If your child seems to have no interest in reading, it doesn’t mean they are destined to be illiterate or doomed to fail in school. You have time to turn that interest level around. And it won’t take a lot of work, surprisingly. With a few solid tips, you’ll hear fewer groans from your children when you tell them it’s …
How to Celebrate Father’s Day
It is always good to say Thank you to others, and even more so to people whose efforts and personal sacrifices in our lives often go largely unnoticed – mothers, fathers and teachers. Their roles are so very important in society, as illustrated by the words of erstwhile Indian president and scientist, A. P. J. Abdul Kalam: If a country …
How to Celebrate Mother’s Day with Your Child
Dear Proud Parents, This Mother’s Day, we’re thankful for mothers from all over the world. We just want to say a huge thank you for all your hard work, dedication, patience and love! To celebrate, we’re giving you our free Storybook Coloring Compilation gift! This gift includes coloring pages from 3 of our fun and adventurous Kids vs Life stories. …
Teacher Appreciation Week
It’s time for Teacher Appreciation Week again! Annually, this falls over the first full week of May and this year, the dates are May 6 to May 12. Teacher Appreciation Day is observed on the first Tuesday in the first full week of May, which will be May 8 in 2018. If your child loves their teacher and is blossoming …
Women’s History Month
Women’s history month is celebrated annually during the month of March, and its purpose is to highlight the positive roles women have played in the world – be it in politics, art, sport, science, or other fields. Many inspirational women have played a part and had key roles in changing our modern day society and thinking. Women’s History Month was …
Winter’s gone, snow is melting and temperatures are rising. It’s the start of a magical new season – it’s the start of spring! Suddenly the world around us comes alive with vibrant colours and new life. After being indoors all winter, the kids can’t wait to get outside and soak up some beautiful spring sunshine and fresh air. Spring for …
President’s Day in the United States
Some say the President of the United States of America is one of the most powerful people in the world. To honor and commemorate the lives and contributions of the 44 U.S. presidents every year, President’s Day is an annual celebration in the US that falls on the third Monday of February. It is also a national holiday. This year, …
How To Enjoy Valentine’s Day With Your Kids
Different people celebrate Valentine’s Day in different ways, often with romantic partners, or with spouses, but what can one do on Valentine’s Day for kids? It has not been traditional for children to be involved in Valentine’s Day celebrations, but these days the customs for Valentine’s Day are changing and many parents struggle to find activities to do with their …
3 Critical Benefits of Reading in Helping Students Learn and Master STEM Subjects
Why is the STEM Curriculum So Important to Your Child’s Future Success? If you have a child on the verge of starting kindergarten, then you’ve probably been coming across a lot of information about STEM in your research. So what is the STEM curriculum and why do you need to worry about it? STEM is an acronym that stands for: …
National Game and Puzzle Week
When television, cell phones, and video games seem to be taking over the family environment, you might be looking for some new ways to spend time together that doesn’t involve sitting in front of a screen. If that’s the case, dust off your old games and puzzles and get ready to celebrate an incredibly fun week that is perfect for …
November 14th: National Young Readers Day
Reading with your child is one of the most important things that you can do with them, and what better way to focus on a day full of reading than to celebrate a holiday dedicated to it? On November 14th, 2017, we celebrate National Young Readers Day as a way to bring attention to children and their families while encouraging …
I Love to Write Day
Like reading, a love for writing is a great thing to share with children. Not only will enjoying writing help them in school, but it can also become a lifelong passion. Telling stories, writing essays, coming up with comics – there are so many different ways to cultivate a love of writing. For parents who love writing, showing you child …
National Author’s Day
Looking for a day to celebrate all of the wonderful authors and the works that they provide to the world? November 1st is the day for you. November 1st has been recognized as National Author’s Day since 1949. However, the story of how the holiday came to be goes as far back as 1928 to a woman named Nellie Verne …
September 19th: International Talk Like a Pirate Day
For many children, anything pirate themed is a surefire way to get their attention! International Pirate Day, which is held each year on September 19th, is the perfect way to let your child’s creativity, imagination, and love of pirate life run wild! International Talk Like A Pirate Day was first celebrated in 1995, and has been a world sensation ever …
Fun and Active Autumn Activities by Red Cat Reading
Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn The autumn season is most certainly one of my favorite times of the year. There are so many things that I love about the fall season and some of my favorite autumn words are hoodies, pumpkins, and s’mores. From the refreshing fall weather, to fun with pumpkins, to the colorful autumn leaves, all of these autumn …
Back to School: How to Keep Your Child Motivated All Year Long
It’s that exciting and overwhelming time of year again – a new, fresh school year. Your child might be starting kindergarten or elementary school for the first time, or going into 2nd grade or higher. You’re busy running around ticking things off the Back-to-School checklist: School supplies Backpack School reading books Uniform School Bus Sign-Up Healthy Food But what about …
Top 9 Animal Books by Red Cat Reading!
Are your young kids obsessed with animals?! At Red Cat Reading we know all about that! Kids can learn so much about science and different countries around the world when they’re reading about animals. What are your child’s favourite animals? Let us know in the comments below… 1. Pets This simple level 1 book is the best place to start …
Back to School with Red Cat Reading
Heading back to school can be bittersweet! Going back to school and learning with friends is always a fun and exciting time for children of all ages. However, leaving home and the carefree times of summer vacation can prove difficult, especially for kids! Getting out of bed early, giving up the lazy days of sitting around and playing with friends, …
Celebrate National Dog Day!
You may hear about National Dog Day and find yourself wondering “what is National Dog Day?” This day came about in 2004 when animal expert, Colleen Paige, wanted to bring attention to the mistreatment of animals. She also wanted to drum up support for the adoption of dogs. Colleen knows that millions of dogs are killed each year because they do …
Top 6 Disney Classics!
We take a look at our Top 6 Disney Classics, and what makes them so memorable for kids and adults! Kids all around the world enjoy Disney Tales because of their classic themes, diversity and beautiful illustration and animation. Let us know about your favorite Disney stories in the comments! Our Top 6 Disney Classics The Lion King The Lion King is a …
Free iBooks: Introduce Your Children to 34 Languages!
Hello everyone, Are you interested in having your child learn a foreign language? Great idea! Language experts suggest that children who learn a foreign language in early childhood show certain cognitive advantages over children who do not. But not only that, learning a new language is FUN! With our Talking World iBooks, your children will have a blast while learning the foreign language of …
Celebrate National Friendship Day
When is Friendship Day, you ask? Well, we will celebrate Friendship Day on July 30. Friendship Day, also known as Friends Day or National Friends Day, began back in 1935 shortly after the end of World War I. Congress noticed the tension and grief that the war had left behind and they felt it was necessary to honor and promote …
The Evolution of Education is Inevitable
Why We Think Education Needs a Major Shakeup It’s often said that if a person alive 200 years ago woke up in today’s world, they would probably only recognize one thing: The classroom. It is quite true that in many ways, the typical school classroom is one of the only things that hasn’t really changed in our fast-moving, modern world. …
The Phonics CH Sound Collection
The CH Sound is one of our favorite sounds! We’ve created so much fun CH content for your child to learn with, whether they love videos, songs, dancing or ebooks. Jump To: CH eBook CH Phonics Video CH Song Video CH Fast Song Video CH Dance Video with Meg CH Classroom Dance Video CH eBook Your kids will love swiping …
Summer Reading Sale! Don’t Let Your Kids Suffer From “Summer Reading Loss”…
Summer Learning Loss Did you know that your child — and all children — get hit with “Summer Learning Loss”? Simply put, they mentally “lose” what they learned and practiced in school. If your child was finally making a breakthrough with reading… summer inactivity can reverse their hard-earned grades and overall intelligence. This learning loss can actually follow children up …
Here’s How The Flipped Classroom Empowers Children to Learn
What is a Flipped Classroom? Like the name implies, a flipped classroom is one where the traditional lecture and homework elements are “flipped” or reversed. While the specific features of a flipped class may differ from school to school, the basic elements include pre-recorded lectures followed by in-class exercises. So essentially, flipping the classroom means that teachers take a more …
Red Cat Reading Summer Reading Lists for Kindergarten and First Grade
It’s coming up to the big summer holiday break, and you may be wondering how to motivate your kids to keep reading and learning. The best way is to encourage curiosity and a love of reading in your child. But of course this is often easier said than done! Why does your child need a summer reading list? It’s a well-known fact that kids can …
World Chocolate Day – July 7th!
Chocolate is one of the most popular treats available! There are so many different varieties of chocolate, and so many different desserts made with chocolate. From chocolate bars to chocolate cake, chocolate doughnuts to chocolate covered fruit, there is definitely something out there that will appeal to every chocolate lover on your list on this special holiday! About World …
July 1st – International Joke Day
International Joke Day (not to be confused with April Fool’s Day), falls on July 1st. It’s a day to relax and have fun with those you care about. There are many ways you can celebrate International Joke Day, from doing silly crafts to reading silly stories to making up your very own jokes to share with others. No matter how …
2 Reasons Why Parental Responsibility is So Critical to a Child’s Education
Teachers Should Not Be the Only Ones Responsible for a Child’s Education Young children rely heavily upon their parents for emotional, physical, and financial support. But when it comes to support in school, parental responsibility is often ceded to teachers. Early child education requires role models, educators and people of authority to help teach children and establish a productive learning environment. …
School’s Out!
The end of the school year brings about plenty of excitement. For many, the summer officially begins at the very last day of school, which typically occurs in June. Children are excited to have a few months where they can play and explore. Getting up early and sitting in a classroom won’t happen again until fall, and they are free …
Top 6 Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales!
We take a look at our Top 6 Brothers Grimm Tales, and what makes them so great for kids and adults alike! You and your kids may recognise these tales from the Disney books and movies, or you may even have a favorite book with a traditional collection of the tales! The Brothers Grimm were famous German brothers who lived …
Top 8 Hardest Phonics Sounds!
When teaching phonics to young children, there are going to be times that they might have difficulty with certain areas. Since all children are different, they tend to need help in different areas. However, many children struggle with some of the same issues, making them easier to point out. In the case of the hardest phonics, usually the most difficult …
Top 12 Easiest Phonics Sounds!
Learning to read is essential for children. Reading and understanding the written word plays a huge part in our everyday lives. Whether children learn to read for work, school, or pleasure, reading is necessary for all children to have developmental success. While there are various ways to teach reading, teaching children phonic sounds is a great place to start. In …
May: Leaders of Tomorrow Month
Leaders of Tomorrow Month, or Young Achievers Month, is celebrated each year during the month of May. The main goal of Leaders of Tomorrow Month is to help young children learn to become the best they can be. Leaders of Tomorrow Month focuses on creating strong, independent leaders, not only in the school environment but also in the community. If …
Top 6 Kids Authors!
We take a look at our Top 6 Kids Authors, and what makes them so great for kids and adults alike! We chose authors who we adored as kids and whose stories have a timeless appeal. These books make great gifts for kids of any age and can also be enjoyed by parents reading stories at bedtime! Roald Dahl Roald Dahl …
National Children’s Book Week
Reading is a vital aspect of every child’s life. Whether you are reading with your child or whether your child is old enough to read alone, reading is an important part of each and every day. It is never too early to start reading, and many studies have shown that even reading to a newborn is important. The older your child …
Why it’s So Important for Your Child to Learn More at Home
Today, online learning is considered vital to many professions and it has increased exponentially over the past few years. It’s a good idea to help children get used to learning online to help their school studies as well as their future careers. They’ll also learn some extra skills: Independent problem-solving skills Research skills Time-management skills Children who learn from home …
April is… Mathematics Education Month!
While April often ushers in warmer weather, spring-time rain, and Easter, April is also known for being Mathematics Education Month. Math is so very important in our day to day lives. Without it, so much of what we do would be impossible. From simple addition and subtraction to formulas used to calculate the speed of light, math is something that …
How to Celebrate International Children’s Book Day!
International Children’s Book Day is celebrated each year on April 2nd. It is organized by the International Board on Books for Young People that was founded in the early 1950’s in Zurich, Switzerland. It’s the perfect time to remind children and parents to take time to read, celebrate literacy, and discover children’s books that are not well known. The reason that …
April Fool’s Day: Tricks to Try With Your Kids!
April Fool’s Day is celebrated by many on April 1st each year, but it’s not a national holiday. Though its origins date back to the 1500’s, the games, tricks and jokes have continued to this day. April Fool’s Day brings smiles to children and adults alike, most of the time. As a parent, there is nothing I like more than hearing …
Let’s Celebrate Earth Day 2018!
Earth Day began in 1970 as an effort to bring attention to protecting the environment. It’s celebrated worldwide every year on April 22nd. Teaching children about protecting the environment is very important. If we do not take care of our planet, our children won’t have its beauty to enjoy for the rest of their lives. Even though care the environment seems …
Absolutely Incredible Kid Day!
Have you ever met an absolutely incredible kid? Have you ever met a young child who asks lots of questions or tries to figure out the world around them? Have you met a child who cares deeply about people and wants nothing more than to make you proud? Have you met a child who loves to play games, but also wonders …
National Children’s Craft Day – Red Cat Reading
Creativity is something that must be nurtured and there is no better way to do that than to allow children the time, space, and materials to freely express themselves. National Children’s Craft Day is on March 14th this year. It is a special day that is often forgotten by many and yet it is so important. If you don’t already …
Celebrating St Patrick’s Day with Kids – Red Cat Reading
St. Patrick’s Day is an Irish holiday dating back to the early 1600’s. This holiday is held in honor of Patron Saint Patrick, who was known for bringing Christianity to Ireland. This festival-like celebration is held on March 17th, which is the day of Saint Patrick’s death. It involves dancing, parades, and eating lots of delicious food! Slowly the popularity …
1 Week Reading Challenge: Read 7 Books to Unlock Prizes!
Hello Proud Parents, Are you up for a reading challenge? There’s a big prize in it for you and your child! The 1 Week Reading Challenge contest starts March 11th, 2017 and runs for 7 days. We’ll notify all the winners on March 21st, 2017! The challenge is simple: 1 week. 7 books. 1 book a day. It only takes about …
Celebrating Dr. Seuss’s Birthday!
Dr. Seuss has always been known as writing legend. Since he has created so many beautifully written and fun stories, he has entertained children and adults for years! Dr. Seuss’s birthday is celebrated in schools, libraries, and communities across the world, and with good reason! There are many different ways to celebrate the birthday of this spectacular author who has touched …
Tell a Fairy Tale Day
Fairy tales are important parts of childhood. They allow you to forget the real world and get lost inside a story. They are perfect for allowing the imagination to run wild – creating beautiful forests, enormous snow covered mountains, and worlds full of magical creatures that can set the stage for all kinds of adventures. Fairy tales are loaded up …
Celebrate World Book Day with Red Cat Reading
Reading is a fundamental part of childhood, and remains important throughout their lifetime. To celebrate the books, authors, and illustrators that bring us these tools that spark imagination, we have World Book Day! This day is celebrated around the world, with different events held at schools, libraries, bookstores, and communities. World Book Day was designated by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, …
Celebrate Read Aloud Day with Creative Activities
Words are the key to so many parts of our day-to-day lives. From signs along the road to books, menus and social media. A life without the use of words would be very difficult. Sadly, there are many in our world that do not have the luxury of understanding the written word. Read Aloud Day is a day when we …
Random Acts of Kindness Week
The week of February 12th to 18th is Random Acts of Kindness Week! When we’re raising our children, we always know one thing for certain. We want them to grow up to be kind, giving individuals who don’t need to think twice about going out of their way to help someone, give to someone in need, or brighten up a day with …
Read to Your Child Day
While most people associate February 14th with Valentine’s Day, it is also another important day – Read to Your Child Day! Reading to your child is one of the most rewarding experiences that the two of you can share together. What better way to celebrate this educational holiday than to pick up a few books and sit down together to read? Pick …
You Helped Us Reach 1 Million Downloads! + New Free Download Center
Hello parents! Over 1,000,059 Red Cat Reading Books have been downloaded on iTunes. That’s a lot of kids reading and a lot of proud parents! Thank you for your support. “Reading is the #1 key to your child’s success. Once your child is reading faster, they’ll be learning just about everything faster!” So, what does that mean for you & your …
New Year Reading Resolutions
Reading resolutions are a fun and purposeful way to start the year and keep your child motivated. Why not think of some fun reading goals your child will be able to stick to? That way they’ll gain confidence and enjoy reading more and more! Brainstorm some goals together – you can start first to get the ball rolling. Write or print out …
How My Child Almost Got Left Behind in Class!
Learning to read opens doors up to books, the Internet, and a world filled with information your child needs to succeed at school and life. How does a reading assessment play a vital role in your child’s education? Read on to find out… Why Proper Reading Level Assessment is So Critical to Your Child Learning How to Read: Assessments Help Teachers …
New Year’s Eve Activities for Kids and Families
Christmas came and went and now you need New Year’s Eve party ideas! New Year’s Eve with children can be a lot of fun! For my family, it is the one day every year that we let our children stay up way past their bedtime. I hope that you will use these ideas and learning activities below to start your …
Kids Activities for the Christmas Holidays!
Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year! However, with all the demands of family and society, sometimes it can feel overwhelming. I hope that this guide full of Christmas crafts, gift ideas, activities and songs will help you have a delightful and stress-free holiday! Don’t forget to grab your 3 Free Gifts from us! Gift 1: Christmas Video Gift 2: …
Why learning to read is so important for school readiness…
According to a 2012 report by the Brookings Institution, “children with higher levels of school readiness at age five are generally more successful in grade school…” And the key to this readiness is helping your child learn to read before class even begins. Reading is the one skill that unlocks virtually all other skills your child will need to succeed in …
How to Survive Black Friday with Kids!
Are you excited for Black Friday? You’ll finally get to buy all those things you’ve been saving up for! But wait, how much fun is Black Friday really going to be for kids? Get prepared for Black Friday with our 3 FREE gifts for kids! Gift 1. 5 Little Monkeys Video Gift 2. Kids vs Cats iBook Gift 3. Baby Shark Video It’s Thanksgiving night and …
Thanksgiving Activities for Kids: Crafts, Worksheet & More
Are you busy getting ready for Thanksgiving? It’s the perfect time to get together with family and have some fun with your children! Get prepared for Thanksgiving with our 3 free gifts! Gift 1. Thanksgiving Video Gift 2. Thanksgiving Book Gift 3. Thanksgiving Colouring Printable Thanksgiving is a wonderful time of year when we reflect on all of the blessings we have been given over the past year. Taking …
Happy Halloween!
Are you busy getting ready for the Halloween season? It’s the perfect event to have some fun with your children! Get prepared for Halloween with our 4 free gifts! Gift 1. Halloween Video Gift 2. Halloween Book Gift 3. Halloween Colouring Printable Gift 4. How to Draw a Vampire – Video For kids, Halloween is not only a great opportunity to dress …
Teach Phonics: Short “u” Sound — for Parents
Introducing the Short “u” Sound “U” is the last of the vowels in the English alphabet. Like the other vowels, it has both a short vowel sound and a long vowel sound. The short “u” sound says “uh,” as in “umbrella” and “bug.” The long “u” sound, on the other hand, is a little less common. It’s heard in words like …
Teach Phonics: The Short o Sound — for Parents
The phonics short o sound is the vowel sound in “hop,” “top,” “mop,” “tot,” “pot,” and “lot.” Other o sounds are the long o, as in “mode” or “toad,” and the double o, as in “mood.” All these different sounds that one letter can make can be confusing for a new reader! The short o sound is the easiest to …
Poet’s Day – Learning to Read by Writing Silly Poems
Poets Day is a wonderful way to introduce your children to the world of reading and poetry, and can be a lot of fun to celebrate with your emergent reader! There are fun and endless ways to create your own silly kids poems together, whether they rhyme or not. Be as silly as you can. It has been shown that …
Teach Phonics: Short “i” Sound — for Parents
Introducing the Short “i” Sound The short “i” sound, which is the vowel sound in “hit” and “big,” is an important sound for new readers to learn. Start with words where the short “i” comes first, like “igloo” or “iguana,” so that your child can hear the “i” sound clearly. The short i sound says “ih,” as opposed to the long …
Cupcake Day: How to Have Fun Baking and Learning to Read
Cupcake Day can be an incredibly fun day for emergent and young readers. It’s also a great educational opportunity that will not only give your child a great boost in reading, but also allow you both to bond over a delicious dessert that you can make together! Whether you are choosing to use a cake mix to make your cupcakes, or if …
Celebrating Date to Create Day with Fun Reading Activities
International Date to Create Day We’re celebrating international Date to Create Day with a variety of creative activities you can use to help your child learn to read. Check out our many craft ideas for kids! Reading and creativity often go hand in hand when dealing with young children. There are so many crafts for children that you and your child …
Teach Phonics: Short “e” Sound — for Parents
Introducing the Short E Sound Short “e” is the sound that the letter “e” makes in the words, “egg,” “leg,” and “wet.” It is pronounced eh (as opposed to words like “meet,” “tea,” or “key,” which contain long “e” sounds, pronounced ee). The short “e” sound is very common, especially in the middle of words (like “pet”). That means there are …
Teach Phonics: Short “a” Sound — for Parents
The short “a” sound is one of the first sounds that many kids learn to read. It’s also pretty common, so kids get lots of practice! The short “a” sound is the sound at the beginning of the word “ant” and in the middle of the word “cat.” It’s pronounced “ah.” (The long “a” sound, by contrast, is the “a” …
How to Teach Phonics to Pre-Kindergartners — for Parents
As a parent, it’s always important to begin thinking about when you would like to teach your children to read. Some children who are already in pre-kindergarten programs or Head Start programs might already be starting to learn basics. For parents and guardians who don’t send their children to pre-kindergarten programs or who do not have access to such programs, …
How to Teach Phonics to Kindergartners — for Parents
While teaching young children in kindergarten phonics and the basics of any language isn’t the easiest task in the world, it certainly is one of the most rewarding. By helping children learn to read and embrace the spoken and written word, you are giving them a lifelong gift – the gift of a love of reading. Once children begin to grasp the concepts and …
The Role of Phonics in Early Childhood Education
Phonics is considered one of the critical factors and plays a vital role at an early age for children in preschool, helping them practice decoding words to attain reading skills. The very foundation of fluent reading and comprehension starts with the knowledge of sounds associated with letters. This article tells how phonics instruction supports children’s literacy development in preschool and …
Health-Conscious Parenting: Making Informed Choices for Your Child
Whether you are a working parent or a stay-at-home mom or dad, the fast pace of life can be exceedingly stressful with kiddies in tow. Work, school, and life-at-home demands all take a toll, and often, our children will be the involuntary recipients of reactions and behaviors caused by accumulated stress; finding enough time to make and enact healthy choices …
Fun with Word Games: Using Crosswords for Language Learning in Kids
1. Introduction For youngsters, learning a new language can be a difficult task. Traditional language learning methods often lack the element of fun and engagement needed to captivate young minds. However, there is a playful and interactive approach to language learning that can make the journey enjoyable: using crosswords as a tool for language acquisition. Crossword puzzles are not only …
How to Help Kids Understand Their Moods
As children grow and develop, they experience a range of emotions and moods that can be hard to get to grips with. As parents, caregivers, and educators, it’s our duty to provide children with the tools and resources necessary to help them navigate their emotional landscape and develop a set of healthy coping mechanisms to have at their disposal. Mood …
How Much Water Should Kids Drink?
Drinking enough water and staying hydrated are essential things in a kid’s life. Experts typically recommend that children aged 4-8 drink five cups of water daily, while those aged 9-13 should drink between five and six cups. The benefits of proper hydration in kids range from transporting nutrients throughout the body to regulating body temperature to flushing out toxins and …
5 Brain Activities for Children
It’s no secret that our early years play a fundamental role in determining the type of person we will grow up to be. At this stage, it’s crucial for children to receive active and positive brain stimulation. That’s because these are the years during which a person’s brain grows at the fastest rate. It’s at this stage of their life …