While April often ushers in warmer weather, spring-time rain, and Easter, April is also known for being Mathematics Education Month. Math is so very important in our day to day lives. Without it, so much of what we do would be impossible. From simple addition and subtraction to formulas used to calculate the speed of light, math is something that we need to share with our children so that they can carry it into the future and create new and amazing inventions to make the world a better place.
Reading to Improve Math Education
What better way to incorporate Math into our daily lives than through our reading? At Red Cat Reading, we have several books that discuss various math concepts. I encourage you to subscribe and log into our account today to check out the fun math-related books we have to offer. Here are a few to get you started (login or sign up for a free trial to read!):
Shapes – Discover the world through geometry.
Measuring Things – Learn about how to measure and the different measuring systems.
Shopping at the Dollar Store – Learn about the value of dollars and cents and how to use it when you go shopping.
Math Education Month Activities
Math Calendar
To celebrate Math Education Month, you can create a Math Calendar for your child. You can make up a math problem for each day using the various skills that your child is already familiar with. For example, my son has already mastered simple addition, subtraction, patterning, and simple fractions during the first part of his first grade school year. For day one, his math problem might be to solve the following number sentence: 4 + 8 = ___. For day two, his problem might be like the following: If Johnny had six apples and gave two apples to Shilpa, how many apples does Johnny have left? You can use a simple calendar maker and print it from your home computer. By reviewing math as part of your daily routine, you are helping your child to become more comfortable with mathematical concepts while also building his or her self-esteem.
Math Games
Another great way to incorporate math into your daily routine is to use free math games on your computer. Lots of websites offer free math games for kids based on their grade level. Also, many elementary schools have subscriptions for students to log in at no cost to practice math skills. Check with your child’s school to learn about what may be available for your child.
Math in Daily Life
Another fantastic way to add math to your daily routine is by pointing out math and numbers in everything you do. At snack time, have your child practice counting the snack they are enjoying or have them estimate how many bites it will take him or her to finish. If you are driving in the car, ask your child to point out speed limit signs along the road. Then, have him or her compare if the next number is higher or lower than the previous one.
Math and numbers are all around us if we take the time to look for them and many times our most teachable moments are too. Don’t miss the chance to teach your child as you go about your day. After all, you are your child’s greatest teacher.
By Gabrielle Fisher
Your Child Can Learn About Maths With Our Books!
Leveled Reading Level 1 – Shapes
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Leveled Reading Level 4 – Measuring Things
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Leveled Reading Level 4 – Shopping at the Dollar Store
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How are you celebrating math education month?