Read to Your Child Day by Red Cat Reading. Reading to Your Child

Read to Your Child Day

Red Cat Reading Team fun activities, Reading

While most people associate February 14th with Valentine’s Day, it is also another important day – Read to Your Child Day! Reading to your child is one of the most rewarding experiences that the two of you can share together. What better way to celebrate this educational holiday than to pick up a few books and sit down together to read? Pick up some favorite classics from when you were a child or explore brand new books together. You could also host a community activity that will bring families together. There are plenty of ways to set the stage for a fun, reading filled day!

Sharing Your Favorite Childhood Books

Share your favorite childhood books with your kids! This is a special way to celebrate Read to Your Child Day. Visit your local library or purchase a few of your favorites at a used book store, and get reading. Explain to your child why that particular book captivated you when you were small. Share the illustrations with him or her, and be sure to talk about the story and characters! Sharing your love of a favorite book is a magical experience that is sure to strengthen the bond you already share.

Finding A New Favorite

In preparation for Read to Your Child Day, visit your local library or bookstore, or grab a few new e-books. Reading to your child can be so fulfilling!. By exploring new books together, you can find a new favorite character or story to share. Many booksellers and librarians have books organized by reading level and subject. If your child is interested in trucks, pick up a few truck books. If your child is more interested in animals, choose some stories that involve their favorite animals. Read up about new releases in children’s books, and pick a few of those.

Read to Your Child Day by Red Cat ReadingDonate Books to Children in Need

If you are looking for a great way to give the gift of reading to family, friends, and children in your community, donating books will teach your child that giving is important. Go through old books in your home, including books that your child is no longer interested in. Donate them to a local library or charity so that other children can enjoy them too.

Arts and Crafts

Come up with some fun ideas for arts and crafts time with your child, based on a specific book or story. For example, you could create a log cabin from popsicle sticks and paper bag pig puppets, allowing you to act out The Three Little Pigs. If you aren’t feeling very creative, look online to find hundreds of great project ideas that will help combine reading and creativity for a deeper, more enriching experience.

Read to Your Child Day by Red Cat ReadingWrite a Story

Writing a story with your child can be a rewarding and fun experience that you will never forget! If your child is old enough to begin writing, he or she can work on the actual writing of the story. If your child is still small and hasn’t begun actual writing yet, that’s okay too! He or she can still be actively involved in the writing process by telling you what should happen in the story. Your child may also be great at drawing the pictures!

No matter how you decide to celebrate Read to Your Child Day on February 14th, the main focus should be on sharing stories and creating memories together. Read a few books, work on an art project, or write a story together. Being involved in your child’s life is a sure way to help increase the likeliness that their love of reading will follow them into adulthood.


By Kelly Gunderman

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